Some Reaper Bones Black (WIP)

 Here's a very quick post because I'm still high on getting started again! Let's kick things off with some CHEAP minis (less than $4 each) from the Reaper Bones Black line!

Reaper Bones Black Razormouth WIP

Razormouth (WIP): I bought these at Meeple Mart in Toronto with the idea to use them to play Forbidden Psalm in 28mm scale. My initial idea was a completely monochromatic colour scheme, with some neon pink glow from the eyes... But it was too boring so I went with a "mostly black" with colourful details approach. 

This guy is going to stand in for the "Afanc" creature and is maybe 1/2 way done. I tried being a bit sloppy at first as an experiment, but my years of habit won't quite let me go too far into expressionistic territory. I do like the idea of these enemies being filthy and bloodstained though.

I'm painting in very traditional thinned paint layering technique with liberal use of thin washes. I'm also hand mixing colours quite a bit as I don't have any bone or flesh paints yet. 

I want to do at least 2 more levels of highlight on the fleshy parts, edge line all the scales and do some cool looking eyes (probably pale green).

Reaper Bones Black Bloodwolf

Next up is the Bloodwolf, from the same range. I don't have a monster in mind for this to represent in Forbidden Psalm, but I'm sure it will come in handy. (It's also very easy to create your own monsters for these rules).

This was largely an excercise in drybrushing, but honestly I love drybrushing. Detailing the face was a little tricky, but patience and thin paint saw me through. The flesh tone inside the ears really helped this mini look more interesting, and was the point where I decided to abandon the idea of a monochrome scheme. The red fur was meant to look like blood soaked in, but I'm not sure it really worked. Still nice to have the splash of colour though.

This one is nearly done, just need to pick out the claws, hit it with matt varnish to tone back the wash shine, and ink wash the blood a little more (inks arrive tomorrow).

Reaper Bones Black Dreadmere Wight

Lastly we have the Dreadmere Wight (still from the Reaper Bones Black line).

I started with a grey undercoat and really should not have bothered. Black all the way from here on out. This was an excercise in layering greys, which got boring fast. It's a pretty good sculpt though, and I'm enjoying getting closer to the fun detail stage.

The intention is to highlight up the flesh quite a lot. The robes really only need a nice bit of thin bright highlight as they are supposed to be black.

That's it for today! I ordered some Vallejo Game Ink, a box of GW Grotz, more Bones Black and a couple of paints. Hopefully this will keep me going for a while, the magnifier lamp from last post knocked a big hole in my budget.

Until next time!


  1. The red-black scheme on the razormouth and bloodwolf is great. Makes the teeth really stand out :D

    I find transitions on gray or black to be extremely challenging. Apparently the human eye is a lot better at detecting gradations of shade when it's just looking at monochrome. So it's a lot harder to fudge your blending...

    1. Yeah, I kind of perversely enjoy working on black/grey because of the difficulty level, but it sure does take a long time. :/


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