Toronto reopening haul

 Here in Toronto, the covid-19 restrictions eased up a little this weekend, so my girlfriend Kelly and I were able to go to Meeple mart in person.

I was picking up a curbside delivery order I made on Friday, but Kelly is a Gundam kit fan so there was something for her to check out too. 

Shopping in person was so much better than online, as I was able to find stuff not listed on their web store (like Citadel blood for the blood god, 30mm Kromlech bases) and see all the amazing range of stuff IRL.

Kelly was intrigued by the terrain making supplies and asked if I had ever made any. I immediately regretted taking down the old blog again, but hey... Onward.

I rounded out the paints I needed, grabbed a box of grots and splashed out on more cheap Reaper Bones Black minis. Although the goblins work out at less than $2.50 each so were a pretty good buy after all.

A lot of the bones Black range seems to be fishy themed and I love the fishmonger figure doing the "I once caught a fish THIS BIG" pose. My sudden interest in Forbidden Psalm (and Mork Borg- and the OSR in general) has opened up so many fun possibilities for buying random monsters and horrors to make us of!

After all this walking around in the sun today (we got pokito bowls for lunch and ate on the balcony) I'm about ready to settle down into some painting. Just one quick trip to Shopper's Drug mart because I forgot I have no superglue. It's amazing what you take for granted as a hobbyist when you have to start over from scratch.

Dammit... I just remembered I have no PVA or basing material. DRATS!


  1. I always run out of fine sand. My daughter is mortified when I ask the daycare for samples from the sand pit. Oh well, she’s pretty much mortified by me already!

    1. The good thing about having a small hobby is that a cup of that sand will last you for years :)

  2. My GF is about to see me endlessly scavenging trash for terrain...

    1. It was inevitable. There's nothing wrong with picking up random pine cones, interesting rocks, pieces of metal and mechanical widgets because, hey you might use it someday. I literally grabbed something from the pile of junk the autoclave repairman was throwing away at work because it was an interesting shape. Will I use it?... only time will tell.

    2. This is also me. I mourn for all my thrown away bitz boxes over the years.


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