Forbidden Psalm has Goblins in it. Sock-stealing goblins to be exact. I painted these GW Grotz a little while ago but only just got around to photographing them. I started off a little basic, and used a field grey for the skin base, to try to keep it low saturation.
Much like the Razormouth, I was going to try to paint these effectively monochrome. It didn't come out as I'd hoped, so I quickly started adding some low-key colors. The idea was a lot of black, with intense yet small highlights.
I tried doing plain metal shields, but they looked really dull. Tinting the upper and lower halves with green and purple ink respectively, thinned with Lahmian medium to make a subtle glaze.
This looked so good to me that I went in and did some subtle green and purple spot glazing on other areas to tie it all together. The eyes are just plain white with a blob of purple ink glaze once dry.
I didn't yet have any enamel wash at this stage, so these Grotz are a little bit cleaner than my more recent work, but they are quite dark and had more painstaking Army painter pin washes.
These are some of my least favorite GW models...but you made them look superb.