The Care Package


Quoted from my instagram:

"Ok, important #15milminis post! These minis were in a care package from @paintingagency when I made my gnarly and terrifying trip back to Canada back in February. My level of gratitude was so high that I swore to return to painting minis... And I did! So here they are, a Stargrave-y ecclectic mix of Spacejacker crew in my classic 15mm style, featuring a lot of pin-washes. Thanks Allison! πŸ™"

To elaborate a little, these minis are a mix of Alternative Armies, Khurasan and Ground zero games. It was really fun painting them up and I tried to do them justice.

One issue I keep having is sloppy prep. I am frequently missing mold lines until well into the painting stage. On the other hand I love painting single figures, and the short drying times of 15mm scale work.

On the subject of photography, I'm still feeling like the pics are coming out fairly poorly, possibly because I'm taking them too close-up. I Think I'll build a small set of terrain pieces so I can hang back a bit and get a more accurate shot of how they look IRL.


  1. Amazing work. Keep it up Spacejacker! Just wanted to comment for once. Been lurking since the 1st blog. Your paint style and painted minis pretty much got me into 15mm. Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thank you, that really makes me happy to hear! There will be a weekly 28mm game going on for a while, but you will be glad to know that plenty more 15mm is incoming, and I'm already planning more than one order for fresh models! Thanks for finally commenting, I'm glad you did! :)

  2. Love the purple reflection on the space suited fig.

    1. :) It was just 3 glazes of vallejo game ink diluted with Lahmian medium, lloading the last one with a little extra ink so it dried darker at the bottom thanks to ol' lady gravity!

    2. Ha, I never thought of that method!

  3. Good to have you back SJ.
    Nice work. You haven't lost your touch πŸ™ƒ.
    Don't recognise the mini with the sword though ....
    Keep it up... & I must get back to blogging again alsoπŸ˜‰
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! I think the sword lizard is a Laserburn mini(?) It's from the Alternative armies web store. Make a post or two, I want to get everybody blogging again and away from toxic social media! ;)

    2. +1 million this comment: "Make a post or two, I want to get everybody blogging again and away from toxic social media! ;)"

    3. Maybe we can make it happen!

  4. Excellent. I have some of those same figures. I can never decide on how to paint generic aliens. I should just send them to you. Well done on the power armor. I have several to paint up to go along with my Control Battalion.

    1. Thanks! I spend far too long fretting about color schemes.. Probably longer than painting the actual figure. I really like the power armor sculpts... I did a whole bunch of them in white a couple of years ago. It was fun to paint an individual non-military looking one. :)

    2. Hah. I can empathize with this. Analysis paralysis on what colour to use. I think I used to have more luck when I painted a bunch of random figs at once and forced myself to finish using the blobs of paint on my palette by applying them to other stuff.

    3. That's as good a technique as any! For my sci-fi stuff I try to keep "character" models painted as differently as possible, but have a cohesive warband mentality when it comes to units. Old warhammer habits die hard. For skirmish wargaming, being able to identify individuals is so important that I think that's a habit I need to break a little.


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