Skräckfält continues
We have played 2 more games in our Sellswords and Spellslingers "Skräckfält" campaign. My dislike of writing battle reports has kept me from posting for a while, so I'm going to just make short updates instead.
A lot of pseudo-rpg narrative emerges each time we play. Gal'grax rolled a 1 while carousing in town and caught a nasty STI for example. The state of his nethers dominated the narrative of the next scenario, as he needed 9's to activate instead of 8's... Leading to a lot of awkward situations.
Speaking of awkward situations, several of the scenarios lack any text for wandering monster card draws and the like. In the defend the village scenario (which is broken in several other ways unfortunately- Like no clear rules for monsters attacking villagers) we decided to just draw a monster card and this happened:
A F'ing frost giant arrived! despite it feeling totally overwhelming, we immediately bum-rushed itin an attempt to use outnumbering to allow Trunk to lay in some hits with his 2h axe (it does 2 damage) and deadly blow trait.
The black dice indicate wounds. Each PC has 4 wounds and the giant does 2 damage per hit (unless he stomps you flat in 1 hit) so you can see the stakes were high in this photo!
Somehow, our mass attack worked and we just barely managed to kill it. The giant dropped a sizable amount of loot, most of which I had to spend to resurrect Torvul, Sutter's replacement.
Meanwhile a witch (Warlock proxy) was lurking on the other side of the farmhouse. Killing it was even trickier, as it throws 2 magic bolts per activation and there wasn't much cover. We had to seal-team 6 it around the farmhouse and then rush her. Thankfully it worked, as the (Warlock) has a nemesis ability that means if you fail to kill it, it will return in later games with stronger magic.
The game was extremely chaotic and went for many hours as the piles of minion corpses grew. However, even though it seemed wildly out of balance, it somehow worked as a skin-of-our teeth, tremendously exciting session that we won't soon forget. A testament to the fun factor of these rules.
In our following adventure, we had to rescue a "Healer" from her hut, beset by mountain brigands. Narratively, the brigands were represented by my En-tai cult models, who are the masked citizens of the town of Glumhoff, the town run by Gal'grax's father in law.
Their ambush trait made for some interesting scraps as our team raced the brigands to the hut door. Even though there were no epic monsters or desperate clashes, the hut did catch fire (scenario event card- but we attributed it to Mikolas' errant fireballs) and successfully rescuing the healer was a lot of fun. This scenario really shines and shows how clever these rules can be.
We are going to try a higher difficulty scenario tomorrow, as we have exhausted all the "basic" scenarios. Wish us luck!
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