A new campaign begins in...

Perils, perfidy and plunder in the ruins of a shattered world

At the base of the great Northern continent, between the volcano cities of Gnarr and the deathly Isigrav Ice fields, lies the terrifying expanse of the Skräckfält.

Where farmland and peaceful shires once stood, the war of Seven Sorcerers turned the land into a blasted, cursed region of malevolence and horror.

At the climax of the war, each of the great sorcerer’s strongholds exploded in cataclysmic displays of arcane destruction, razing the land and littering the remains with their hoards and their mistakes… Their riches and their devilry.

In these dark days, adventurers and opportunists gather in the shanty towns on the periphery of the Skräckfält, hungry for the riches to be seized from the claws of this evil place.


My best friend’s name is Justin. We met in high school and played 1st edition Warhammer, Car wars, Battletech, TMNTAOS, Champions, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, TFOS... You name it. The friendship never ended, despite us both moving around the world and rarely living in the same country for the last decade or so.
In this time of plague, we have decided to try to play a weekly game over google chat or facetime (or whatever) as Singapore and Toronto are exactly 12 hours apart. This means I can play on Friday morning, which for him is Friday evening.

After a long discussion this morning, we decided upon Sellswords and Spellslingers as our game of choice. Now obviously I have been gearing up to play solo, but as it is a co-op set of rules from the ground up, and quite low on crunch, hopefully it will provide a fun campaign if we decide we like it. The stakes are high because I have never played it, but Justin enjoys Song of drums and Shakos by the same author, and I own many of their rulesets. I have always got a kick out of Andrea Sifiligoi games even in the rare cases when they don't quite hang together. I feel we are old enough to approach this with good humor and an OSR kind of approach. Not only is this game designed from the ground to be co-op, but it has a strong campaign system, so should be fun to play out over time.

I will set up the board and minis, endeavor to get a camera pointed at the game table, which Justin can observe, then direct his models and roll his own dice. It should be a laugh!

I have a 60 XP party of Relicblade models all ready to go, so I sent him a photo of the remaining painted adventurers for him to build his with. I casually mentioned that he could make use of the Dirty Boys if he needed peasants or cheap fodder… So naturally he decided to form his group around this Warlock and the damn dirty peasants. I’m very much looking forward to his names and back stories!

Although we can't meet in person, it's a great feeling to have a game to look forward to, and a new campaign to play out. I'm very excited.


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